best sing along broadway songs — Chris Swan | Living A Recovered Life

best sing along broadway songs

Broadway To The Rescue

Broadway to the rescue

There is something magical about a Broadway show and the tunes within it.  It took me a while to let go of my cynical side and let the music in.  For a long time, I thought I was "too cool" to like Broadway tunes.  But then when I would stop and listen, I'd be crying in less than 30 seconds.

I think I was lying to myself.

Once I was able to let go of what I thought was "cool" or who I thought I was supposed to be, I was able to let the music in.  And once I did that, I discovered how much I loved Broadway shows!

A good musical makes me feel alive.  It makes me feel connected to the world and to God.  It reminds me of all the magic that still exists in the world.  It inspires me to do great things.  It reminds me how much beauty and wonder there is around me.  So much so that I don't want to waste any more time ignoring it.

So I made a playlist called Broadway To The Rescue!  These are all the songs that have been bringing me a lot of comfort lately.  I wanted to share the playlist with you in the hopes that it will bring you some comfort as well.

You can check it out on Spotify or Apple Music.  I made the playlist on Spotify a collaborative playlist so feel free to add your favorite broadway tunes to the list!

You can check it out here:

Spotify - 
Apple Music - 

Be sure to follow the playlist so it will be added to your library.  Next time you are feeling lonely, disconnected or discouraged, it will be right there waiting for you.

Broadway to the rescue!
- Chris