
Lunch Break Concert #26 - This is the Christmas one!

Lunch Break Concert #26 went down on Monday December 9th2019!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #25 - These are the Principles

Lunch Break Concert #25 went down on Monday December 2nd 2019!

Pick your Principles experience HERE!

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Forgiveness Is Here!

The new single from Chris Swan is here!

This is the 12th and final principle in my 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.

Lunch Break Concert #24 - Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright

Lunch Break Concert #24 went down on Monday November 25th 2019!

This LBC opens with the Bob Marley classic Three Little Birds followed by two of my original songs - Gaspin’ and Perfect.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #23 - Generosity

Lunch Break Concert #23 went down on Monday November 18th 2019!

This LBC opens with Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing by Stevie Wonder followed by two of my original songs - Generosity and H.O.P.E.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #22 - When Will I Be Good Enough?

Lunch Break Concert #22 went down on Monday November 11th 2019!

This LBC features 3 of my original songs - The Fellowship, The Mess Around and Gratitude.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #21 - Some Of My Favorite Principles

Lunch Break Concert #21 went down on Monday November 4th 2019!

This LBC features 3 of my favorite Principles - Abundance, Acceptance and Education.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Generosity Is Here!

The new single from Chris Swan is here!

This is the 11th principle in my 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.

Lunch Break Concert #20 - Is My Purpose The Same As God's Purpose?

Lunch Break Concert #20 went down on Monday October 21st 2019!

This LBC opens with Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio, followed by my songs Perfect and Influence.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own plans. How do we know if our plans are God’s plans? I don’t really have an exact answer. But the biggest thing we can do is pray about it. Meditate on it. Ask God to show us. And then we need to be willing to listen. Do you know what your purpose is?

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

The 12 Core Principles

Lunch Break Concert #19 - How To Find Happiness When It's Cold Outside

Lunch Break Concert #19 went down on Monday October 21st 2019!

This LBC starts with principle #5 - my song Believe, followed by my cover of “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World. And I close the show with “H.O.P.E.”

Hope is alive and well. Even when it’s cold outside. Remember the sun is still there even if you can’t see it. Pick up the phone and call a friend. You are never alone.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #18 - Getting Thru A Blah Day

Lunch Break Concert #18 went down on Monday October 14th 2019!

I open this one up with a great song about by Sir Elton John “I’m Still Standing.” Then I did a cover of Bille Eilish’s song “I Love You.”

Some days are hard. But I’m so grateful to be able to get through the hard days without alcohol or overeating. I have seen first hand how that stuff doesn’t actually help. I have freedom from that today and it’s ok to just feel blah sometimes. Tomorrow is a new day and God is good.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #17 - Music Makes Everything Better

Lunch Break Concert #17 went down on Monday October 7th 2019!

I open this one up with a great song I love from the 90’s called “You Get What You Give.” It’s like a love song to music. I also do my songs “Dreamer” and “Education.

Music is so powerful. This one is all about celebrating music and playing some songs that make me happy. I hope they make you happy too.

Click HERE for a free download of my single Education!

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #16 - Letting Go Of Anger

Lunch Break Concert #16 went down on Monday September 30th 2019!

I open this one up with a Stevie Wonder classic “Loves In Need Of Love Today.” I also do my songs “Acceptance” and “H.O.P.E.”

Anger steals our joy. But it’s so hard to let go of. The key is to love ourselves. Love the person we’re angry at. And then let it go by accepting them and the situation for what it is. We don’t have to change people, we only have to change ourselves.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #15 - How To Deal With Overwhelm

Lunch Break Concert #15 went down on Monday September 23rd 2019!

I do two of my original songs from my first album What Is Your Soul Motivation? - “Gaspin’” and “Start Again” and open the show with a “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.

Life can be stressful. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling it lately. First of all, it helps to know we are not alone. Secondly, we need to learn to let go of some things in our life. Thirdly, we can always pause and take a breath.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #14 - Money

Lunch Break Concert #14 went down on Monday September 16th 2019!

I do two of my original songs - “The Mess Around” and “Abundance” and open the show with a Beatles classic - “Can’t Buy Me Love.”

Today we are talking about money. I share some of our common issues with money and what we can do to overcome them.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #13 - Acceptance

Lunch Break Concert #13 went down on Monday September 9th 2019!

I do two of my original songs - “Acceptance” and “H.O.P.E.” and perform my cover of “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World.

Our anger and resentment comes from the past. Our worry and fear comes from the future. Our peace, however, comes from the present. The answer to staying in the present is practicing acceptance. If we can learn to accept people for who they are and situations for what they are, we can truly be free.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #12 - Labor Day Edition - Time For A Vacation

Lunch Break Concert #12 went down on Monday September 2nd 2019 - Labor Day!

I open with an 80’s classic “Break My Stride” and then perform 2 of my original songs - Vacation and Ambition. Hope you get inspired form these songs!

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Ambition Is Here!

The new single from Chris Swan is here!

This is the 9th principle is my 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.