recovery rap

Should You Make New Year's Resolutions?

Should you make new year's resolutions

It’s a new year. Are you as excited as I am?

I love the beginning of a new year. It’s a fresh start. It’s time to set some new goals. It’s a chance to look ahead and see all the possibility that awaits us all.

A highly debated topic this time of year is whether you should take the time to make resolutions. Most people have sworn them off because they have let themselves down one too many times.

We all have done it. We have set some big lofty goal, like getting in shape, and we tell ourselves we are going to the gym 5 days a week for the rest of our lives.

Then after about 3 days, we stop going. We know we should but we just can’t get ourselves to do it. It’s too hard. We don’t want to hate our lives. But then we start hating ourselves because we said we were going to do something and we failed. We feel ashamed and embarrassed. Every time our friends ask us how it’s going at the gym, we have to quickly decide if we are going to lie or if we are going to face ridicule. It’s awful. It’s stressful. It’s no fun.

So then we promise to never make another resolution again. That way we will be safe from ridicule, right? I mean, people can’t make fun for not doing something if you never said you were going to do it in the first place.

Two problems with swearing off resolutions

First of all, promising to never make another resolution again is within itself a resolution. So by doing this you have already blown it. It’s a classic paradox.

Secondly, do you really want to live the rest of your life never trying to achieve anything? Do you want to be that person who never tries anything new? I don’t think any of us want that either.

So what’s the answer.

Forgive yourself and try again.

First, You need to forgive yourself for not following through on the last thing. There are a million reasons why it probably happened, but the main one is that you are a human. A busy, distracted human like the rest of us. Show yourself a little grace. Be nice to yourself. You don’t have to be perfect. Someone should write a song about that. ;)

Second, get up and try again. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of trying again. That is a fundamental human quality. All throughout history humans have been getting knocked down time and again. But we keep getting back up. That is all that is happening to you now. You got knocked down. It’s ok. We all get knocked down. But now is the time to get back up. This is a new day, a new year. It’s time to try again.

What if you don’t stick to your new plan?

I know how it feels to be scared you are going to disappoint yourself again. But I’m here to give you permission to let yourself off the hook. You have that human spirit within you. You always have the power and the option to try again. No matter how many times you fail, you can try again.

So next time you let yourself down with a failed resolution, you’re going to forgive yourself and try again. If you never quit, then you are guaranteed to win. So often we focus on all the things we aren’t doing. We get mad at ourselves for all the things we quit. But do we ever celebrate all the things we are STILL doing?! Never. Isn’t that pretty backward?

We should be giddy every day because of all the things we did stick to. We go to work every day. We pay our bills the best we can. We go to church. We take care of our kids. We buy broccoli. Whatever those things are to you, you are doing them. Consistently. You are winning!

So should you make new year’s resolutions?

Absolutely! I think you should sit down and make a few right now. And when the next New Year comes around, look back at all you accomplished first. Then look at what you still need to accomplish. Set new goals and get to work.

Never give up on yourself. Never stop making new years resolutions. The people who learn to forgive themselves and keep trying are the people who win. I think this year is a good year for you to win too.

How To Live The Life Of Your Dreams

How to live the life of your dreams

I’m a dreamer.

I always have been since I was a little kid. I’ve always had big plans and would dream about how I would achieve them.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a famous rapper someday. I wanted to play huge sold-out arenas like all my idols did. I wanted to hear a big audience singing the words to my songs.

Once I had my dream in place, I made a plan. I was going to do whatever it took to get to that dream.

I practiced piano obsessively. I wrote songs and learned how to record. I spent days in my room practicing how to perform in front of people.

I grew up living that dream. I was able to perform in front of a lot of people. I went to college and started a band. We toured the country for 6 years playing in front of thousands of people.

It was just a matter of time before I got the things I really wanted, right?

Fame. Money. A crowd of people who all know my songs. I mean, that is what we are taught our whole lives. If we work hard and want something bad enough, it will happen.

But we don’t always get what we want.

Eventually, some people in my band wanted to move on with their lives. The band broke up. I got bitter. I started to see how hard the music business was and that success was not going to come quickly or easily. I worked really hard but I got to the point where I couldn’t do it anymore. I gave up. And I entered one of the most depressing times of my life.

After 14 rough years, I came back to a place where I was ready to try again. I started Soul Motivation Records and I was back! The dream was alive and well.

This time it was a little different. I didn’t necessarily want to be famous, I just wanted to connect with people, maybe play some sold-out clubs instead of arenas, and be able to make a fulltime living with my music.

So I went to work. My obsession kicked back in. I spent a lot of time in the recording studio, writing and recording new songs. I put out 3 albums. I spent a lot of money on marketing courses and started surrounding myself with other people who were trying to live the dream too.

I spent countless hours behind my laptop setting up websites, making social media posts, writing blog posts, growing my email list. It was a lot of work but it was a lot of fun because my dream was alive again. And no matter what, I was going to get what I wanted.

And then one day it hit me.

Maybe I won’t get the things that I want?

Will I be ok if I don’t? Maybe God’s plan is different than mine? Can I be happy following God’s plan if it’s not the same as mine?

This was a really hard concept for me to get my head around. It still is, to be honest. I mean, how do you surrender to God but not give up on life altogether?

How do you surrender to God but still have ambitions?

I have been struggling with these concepts for a while now. But I think God has been showing me that I need to be willing to give it all up. I need to be willing to do whatever He wants. And as long as I am fighting that, I am going to be miserable. I am going to be frustrated. I am going to be eyeing the dessert table at the restaurant a little too long.

Am I willing to put it all on the line and really listen to what God wants? Am I willing to let go of what I think is supposed to happen and focus on what is happening?

I have spent a lot of my life living in the “Happy When” mentality. I’ll be happy when I’m a famous rapper. I’ll be happy when I’m rich. I’ll be happy when I’m skinny. And while I am spending all my time trying to make those things happen, I am missing the life that I do have.

And the life I do have, right now, is pretty awesome. I get to play music for a living. I have some amazing friends and family. I live in a really cool city.

I have spent so much time in my dreams that I forgot how to live in reality.

Maybe the key to happiness is letting go of the life we think we are supposed to have and start living the life that we DO have.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a dreamer. There is nothing wrong with dreaming. But in addition to being a dreamer, I am trying to be a better listener as well. I’m keeping my eyes open to what God wants me to do next. And I’m learning that it’s ok to not know right now. I am just going to keep taking one step at a time. God has never let me down and He won’t start now.

I don’t’ have all the answers. I don’t have this all figured out. I wish this blog post had a happier ending with a picture of me playing that big arena. But it doesn’t. I’m not sure what this all means. I don’t know exactly where I’m going next. This is real life and real life doesn’t always go the way we want it to.

I think that is the whole point. It’s not up to me. It’s up to God. And I think the life of my dreams comes from living the life God wants me to live. So I’m going to surrender. I’m going to take a breath. Slow down a little. And spend more time in prayer and meditation.

God is already starting to show me new opportunities. And He is also showing me how to enjoy this life that I have. Right now. Right here. This life is pretty good. When I’m willing to let go of all the expectations I have for my life, then this life is able to bring me joy and peace.

And maybe that was the dream I was looking for all along.

Lunch Break Concert #26 - This is the Christmas one!

Lunch Break Concert #26 went down on Monday December 9th2019!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #25 - These are the Principles

Lunch Break Concert #25 went down on Monday December 2nd 2019!

Pick your Principles experience HERE!

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Forgiveness Is Here!

The new single from Chris Swan is here!

This is the 12th and final principle in my 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.

Lunch Break Concert #24 - Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright

Lunch Break Concert #24 went down on Monday November 25th 2019!

This LBC opens with the Bob Marley classic Three Little Birds followed by two of my original songs - Gaspin’ and Perfect.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #23 - Generosity

Lunch Break Concert #23 went down on Monday November 18th 2019!

This LBC opens with Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing by Stevie Wonder followed by two of my original songs - Generosity and H.O.P.E.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #22 - When Will I Be Good Enough?

Lunch Break Concert #22 went down on Monday November 11th 2019!

This LBC features 3 of my original songs - The Fellowship, The Mess Around and Gratitude.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

How To Not Die When You Retire

How to not die when you retire

How many times have you heard this story?

Some dude, let’s call him John, works super hard his whole life. He climbs the corporate ladder and ends up a top executive at his firm.

As he gets older, his wife begs him to retire so they can relax and travel more. He resists as long as he can but eventually, he takes his leave.

The company throws him a nice party at the Holiday Inn. They give him a shiny watch and he gives them some cliche speech about how he has enjoyed his time with the company.

Then he makes some joke about his golf game. Everyone laughs. “Oh, John. We are going to miss you around here,” says everyone he chats up as he leaves the party that night.

The next thing he knows, he finds himself waking up on a Monday morning with absolutely nothing to do.

At first, this idea seemed fantastic. Finally, he would have time to do all the things he has been putting off. He can clean the gutters and repair the shed like he has wanted to do for years. But when the actual day came, he woke up terrified. The only thing he could think was…

What do I do now?

He tries to take up some hobbies. He joins the country club and starts to work on his golf game. But something is missing. He is bored. He is restless. He grows more and more depressed and anxious.

He begins to get snippy with his wife. Maybe he takes up drinking to fill the time and to feel a little better. He’s miserable and he is a miserable person to be around.

One day, he seems to be sleeping in a little later than usual, so his wife goes to wake him up and get him going for the day. But when she tries, she notices he is cold to the touch. He died in his sleep. That’s it. His life is over.

It had only been 8 months since he retired. They were supposed to spend their golden years traveling the world and now he’s gone. He was in perfect health.

What happened?

It turns out he had nothing else to live for besides his job. When that was taken away, so was his purpose in life. He had nothing left. And no matter how hard he tried to find it in menial hobbies, he couldn’t. He gave up. And when our soul gives up, our body is quick to follow.

This is such a sad story that happens time and time again. We hear about it all the time. Without a purpose, something to live for, strive for, we wither up and die.

Humans are not meant to just exist. We are meant to grow and achieve great things. We live for a challenge. We have to have a goal on the horizon in order for us to feel some hope. Without hope, life starts to feel pretty pointless.

It’s ambition that keeps us alive.

What would have changed the story for John? I don’t know exactly. But I do know that we need something more than a job to live for. Jobs will come and go. Careers can change. We need something deeper than that to hold onto. We need a personal mission statement.

What is our life about? What do we care most about? What legacy do we want to leave when we are gone? If we can answer these questions and put them into a statement we can remember, then we have a fighting chance. We have something bigger than ourselves that we are living for.

Here is my mission statement:

To be a light where it is dark
To make as much music as I can that inspires and encourages people who are hurting
To be constantly improving on my craft of writing, performing, recording and mixing
To provide a community to those who feel isolated and alone
To be THE leader in the positive hip hop movement
To be 100% debt free
To have $3.8M in the bank and be financially free
To travel the world
To make my record company a successful business and do it fulltime
To start a company that helps others pay their medical bills
To weigh 220 pounds and maintain that weight for life
To spend every waking moment of every day fulfilling this purpose.

It’s not perfect and it is always evolving, but it gives me a true north to head towards. It gives me purpose and fills me with hope. It inspires me on days when things feel pointless. It gives me life.

Everybody wants but nobody tries.

If you don’t want to end up another tragic story like John, there is something you can do. Sit down and write out your mission statement. Have you ever done that? It doesn’t have to be perfect, just get it started. Get something down on paper.

Read your mission statement every day. It will keep you centered and focused. And when that day comes where you want to retire, you can do so with peace because you know you are just retiring from a job. You are not retiring from the ambitions that drive you.

There is no watch shiny enough that could ever get me to retire from those.

Why Monday Doesn't Suck Anymore

Why Monday Doesn't Suck Anymore

Diets suck. And they make Mondays suck. You know why? Because every time I blew it on a diet, Monday was the day I would start over.

Monday was the official start day of the new diet around my house growing up. It happened so often, that it became a joke. We would use the phrase “I’ll start over on Monday” as an excuse to eat whatever we wanted over the weekend.

Sometimes Monday would come and go and nothing would change. But then sometimes things did change, and it was the worst.

I had just spent the weekend eating all my favorite foods and now I was supposed to stop cold turkey? I was supposed to go to Weight Watchers and get on a scale in front of other people?


As life went on and I learned more about myself, it became clear the dieting was not the answer for me. I am so grateful I found recovery in Overeaters Anonymous. No more diets for me. And even though I don’t practice the “I’ll start over on Monday” mantra anymore, I did learn a lot from it.

I learned how to never give up.

My parents are amazing people. They struggle with a lot of things like we all do, but they are both fighters. I saw my parents start over again and again and again. Sure, part of me thought they were crazy to keep beating themselves up like that. I used to think “Stop lying to yourself. We both know you aren’t going to start that diet on Monday.”

But then as I got older it hit me. They aren’t beating themselves up. They are doing what every human was born to do. They are surviving.

They are fighting because it is in their DNA to persevere.

It takes a lot of guts to keep showing up for yourself time and time again. It takes a lot of courage to fall down and get back up again - over and over again. And that is what my parents have always done.

No matter how hard things got, they never gave up. I didn’t realize what I was learning at the time, but now I am so thankful that they instilled that value in me. I wouldn’t be half the man I am now if I didn’t have the value of perseverance coursing through my veins. And that all comes from watching my mom and dad.

My parents would eat ice cream on Friday and start over on Monday. They would get into a fight on Thursday but then forgive each other on Monday.

And guess what, they are still married today. That is perseverance and not something most people are willing to do.

It is so easy to quit.

It is so easy to give up. You can find 10 people around you who will back you up if you decide to quit anything. They will tell you all the reasons you should, how your life is so hard and why it’s not worth fighting anymore.

But inside us, we all know that we can have more. We know that we can do better. That is the human spirit. It is in each one of us instinctually.

Humans fight. We don’t give up.

Every now and then on a Monday I get that same feeling of dread I used to get when I was a kid. I get that feeling of “Here we go again.” And then I remember the truth. I GET to do this again. Monday is a new day. It’s a new chance. Monday is my chance to right some wrongs, to grow and to reach out for the life of my dreams.

It’s Tuesday and I already can’t wait for Monday to come.

Lunch Break Concert #21 - Some Of My Favorite Principles

Lunch Break Concert #21 went down on Monday November 4th 2019!

This LBC features 3 of my favorite Principles - Abundance, Acceptance and Education.

I hope these songs inspire you today.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Generosity Is Here!

The new single from Chris Swan is here!

This is the 11th principle in my 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.

Lunch Break Concert #20 - Is My Purpose The Same As God's Purpose?

Lunch Break Concert #20 went down on Monday October 21st 2019!

This LBC opens with Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio, followed by my songs Perfect and Influence.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own plans. How do we know if our plans are God’s plans? I don’t really have an exact answer. But the biggest thing we can do is pray about it. Meditate on it. Ask God to show us. And then we need to be willing to listen. Do you know what your purpose is?

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Generosity: The Lyrics

Generosity the lyrics


I hold on tight don’t want to let it go
‘Cuz if I do I might begin to let it show
All of my fear has come to stay
There’s got to be another way

If I look up and I begin to fly
Would anyone know the reason why
All of my fear has gone away
By giving I get another day

I try so hard but I can’t believe
That you and I are just meant to be
In different times and realities
When we’re both here right now, you see

I want to know what’s in your mind
What you love and what you find
Each day you travel through this shrine
But we don’t seem to find the time

I don’t see you and you don’t see me
When we’re trapped inside
You could be me and I could be you
It’s just a matter of time

I hold on tight don’t want to let it go
‘Cuz if I do I might begin to let it show
All of my fear has come to stay
There’s got to be another way

If I look up and I begin to fly
Would anyone know the reason why
All of my fear has gone away
By giving I get another day

What will it take for us to change
To share our joy and share our pain
To take the time right now feels strange
We can’t keep on doing the same

Everything I have is a gift
I wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t given to me
Everything I see is a lift
I wouldn’t be this high if God wasn’t with me
Every day I live is a chance
And I wouldn’t get it if I didn’t listen to the truth that is all around
Blocking out the lies
And I hate the sound of fear in disguise
Here’s what I found
See, you and I are pretty much the same being
Sometimes we’re up and sometimes we’re down
But if you look around you can see it’s the same thing
The world will make you lonely if you let it
It took some time for me to get it
You can’t just set it and forget it
‘Cuz we need each other
Bet it

I don’t see you and you don’t see me
When we’re trapped inside
You could be me and I could be you
It’s just a matter of time

I hold on tight don’t want to let it go
‘Cuz if I do I might begin to let it show
All of my fear has come to stay
There’s got to be another way

If I look up and I begin to fly
Would anyone know the reason why
All of my fear has gone away
By giving I get another day

By giving I get another day
By giving I get another day
By giving I get another day
By giving I get another day

Generosity is principle #11 of Chris Swan’s 12 Core Principles to a happy, fulfilled life.
To learn more about the 12 Core Principles, please click

© 2019 Soul Motivation Records
Written by Chris Swan
Published by Luped Up Music/ASCAP
All rights reserved

The 12 Core Principles

What Is The Purpose Of Life?

What is the purpose of life?

I spend most of my time just trying to get through the day. I am in my own head constantly. Thinking about me and what I need to do to be happy today.

What am I going to eat today? What am I going to do for fun today? How am I going to deal with life today?

It’s all about me. No wonder I feel a lot of misery on these days. That’s the irony of it all. I spend so much time trying to figure out how to make myself happy that it makes me miserable.

And who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor?

What’s the answer then? I mean, don’t we all want to be happy? Isn’t that a valid pursuit? Isn’t that what life is all about?

When I was at COR - the food recovery retreat that saved my life - one of the speakers said something that changed my life. He said…

“We were made to love others. That is the root of happiness.”

That’s it! The thing I have been looking for all my life. I had been so involved in myself and so wrapped up in my addictions that I didn’t have anything left to give to others. I was blocked off from God because I was numbing everything out with food and alcohol. And then because I felt disconnected from God, I also felt disconnected from people. I felt isolated and alone. And this led to misery.

I found my answer at COR - I need to love other people more.

So if I have the answer, why am I still struggling? Sure I am not in the food anymore and I quit drinking over 3 years ago, but I still struggle with feeling that connection with people. I still feel lonely and isolated a lot. What’s up with that? I thought I was fixed?!

It turns out that we are never fixed, but we do get better.

I can honestly say that my relationships are so much better today than they were a few years ago and that is all because of recovery. I can honestly say that I see God working in my life every day and that is all because of recovery. I have a hope that I never had before and that is, yep you got it, all because of recovery.

I’m healing but I’m not healed. There’s a difference. And I don’t think any of us ever become fully healed. But there is so much peace and joy that comes from the healing. I truly have to remember to stay in the present and be thankful for where I’m at today. It’s light-years away from where I was.

And when it comes to people, I need to keep working on giving of myself more. I give in a lot of ways, but I still can be super selfish. I need to remember that we are here to love each other. True happiness comes from that connection with people. I need people. I need you. And I want you to know that I’m glad you are in my life.

If we believe the purpose of life is to find happiness then that means the purpose of life is to love each other.

That is a pretty great purpose that I can get behind. It takes patience and it takes generosity. I have to be willing to give all that has been given to me. And by giving I get another day.

The new single - Principle #11 - is coming 11.1.19

Lunch Break Concert #19 - How To Find Happiness When It's Cold Outside

Lunch Break Concert #19 went down on Monday October 21st 2019!

This LBC starts with principle #5 - my song Believe, followed by my cover of “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World. And I close the show with “H.O.P.E.”

Hope is alive and well. Even when it’s cold outside. Remember the sun is still there even if you can’t see it. Pick up the phone and call a friend. You are never alone.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video

Lunch Break Concert #18 - Getting Thru A Blah Day

Lunch Break Concert #18 went down on Monday October 14th 2019!

I open this one up with a great song about by Sir Elton John “I’m Still Standing.” Then I did a cover of Bille Eilish’s song “I Love You.”

Some days are hard. But I’m so grateful to be able to get through the hard days without alcohol or overeating. I have seen first hand how that stuff doesn’t actually help. I have freedom from that today and it’s ok to just feel blah sometimes. Tomorrow is a new day and God is good.

Click play below to watch the replay.

**Be sure the volume is turned up on the video